LoadScout is an interesting program that allows you to download files from HTTP and FTP sites, but the most attractive feature of LoadScout is that you can preview, extract data, and get information from files before they are actually downloaded. To do this, LoadScout opens and downloads a small portion of files to get the information.
You can directly open URLs from Internet Explorer. For password-protected FTP files, the program automatically stores their passwords. You can extract individual files from ZIP and RAR remote archives. Another important feature is that if your connection is lost while downloading a file, the program automatically queues the file, so you don't have to restart downloading it again, you can simply reconnect later. You can configure the network operation timeout, the time before reconnecting, and the number of retries. You can configure your internet access connection both for HTTP and SOCKS proxies. Besides accessing remote files, you can work with your local files. The program includes a log window that allows you to show all the performed actions, including FTP or HTTP commands, error notifications, and more.